We are a Company dedicated to the Manufacturing, Commercialization and Innovation of decorative systems and coatings for indoors and outdoors spaces.
We distribute our products at a national and international level, wholesale, for big companies and other brands, retail through our online shop.
As a Company that is committed to the quality of our products, the protection and respect for our environment, we have decided to conduct our business using an Integrated Quality and Environmental System, based on the rules UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001 to improve the performance and efficiency.
For that purpose, the administration of Innova Chemical SL. has focused the following aspects on the management systems:
To promote an efficient use of the natural resources available.
To regularly stablish and review the Quality and environmental targets and goals, in accordance with the commitments undertaken on this declaration. For the effective application of these principles, it is necessary the support of the executive team and all the personnel.
To educate and awaken the personnel of our organization about the performance on the quality and environmental subject, as well as provide the necessary resources for the good performance of the implemented management systems.
The systems and their improvement are responsibility of all the members of the ORGANITATION starting from the top executives.
The Quality direct us to pay the maximum attention to the evolution of the technology and all the possible improvements that new technologies could offers us.
We implement, keep and improve continually the Integrated Quality and Environmental Systems, based on the rules UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001, as well as following the law and rules related to the product, service, quality, environment and the applicable requirements.
We acquire the commitment of continue improvement, quality and contamination prevention either on the productive processes and the service delivery, as well as the efficient of the management systems implemented, on which the prevention of mistakes would be the fundamental aspect.
We stablish actions to take care of the liabilities with the purpose of eliminate, reduce or control such liabilities.
With the objective to pay maximum attention to the best quality and client satisfaction, we provide support and information offering the adequate solution for the client’s problems.
We constantly improve our planning, organization, review and control of our productive and service systems, with the purpose of evaluating what is necessary on the market, promoting energetic efficiency and recycling, starting from the phase of product and process design, reducing, whenever possible, the residual material from our activities.
We promote internal communication about the efficiency of the policy, rules and procedures, encouraging the participation and consultation of the members of the Company and the subcontractors.
We collaborate with our providers and subcontractors on the Quality and Environmental improvement of their activities.
We keep an open and collaborative relationship with our clients (and interested parties) through the commitment of the whole organization to comply with their necessities and requirements, as well as legal requirements and laws including our products improving the information to the exterior.
The management systems implemented on Innova Chemical SL. require the participation and collaboration of everyone receiving this policy, all the interested parties.
The management will review periodically this policy with the purpose of developing the concept of continuous improvement, ensuring, in this way, an updated maintenance.
Campello, October 24, 2019.
Fdo. Juan Aranda Marín